1. 權利歸屬
英語巴巴網上學習平台的Logo、“英語巴巴”、“English Papa”等文字、圖形及其組合,以及英語巴巴網上學習平台的其他標誌、徽章、產品和服務名稱均為英語巴巴及其關聯公司在香港、中國和其它國家的商標,未經英語巴巴書面授權,任何人不得以任何方式展示、使用或作其他處理,也不得向他人表明您有權展示、使用或作其他處理。
2. 責任限制
由於英語巴巴網上學習平台提供的服務屬於電子公告牌(Bulletin Board System)性質,英語巴巴網上學習平台上的店鋪、商品信息(包括但不限於店鋪名稱、公司名稱、 聯絡人及聯絡信息、產品的描述和說明、相關圖片、視頻等)均由指定會員自行提供並上傳,由指定會員對其提供並上傳的所有信息承擔相應法律責任。
3. 知識產權保護
3.1 隱私權政策
3.2 適用範圍
4. 我們如何收集信息
4.1. 您向我們提供的信息
4.2. 在您使用服務過程中收集的信息
4.3. 來自第三方的信息
d) 應法律法規要求需公示的企業名稱等相關工商註冊信息以及自然人經營者的信息。
5. 我們如何使用信息
5.1. 向您提供您使用的各項服務,並維護、改進這些服務。
5.2. 向您推薦您可能感興趣的內容,包括但不限於向您發出產品和服務信息,或通過系統向您展示個性化的第三方推廣信息,或者在徵得您同意的情況下與英語巴巴的合作夥伴共享信息以便他們向您發送有關其產品和服務的信息。如您不希望接收上述信息,可通過相應的退訂功能進行退訂。
5.3. 我們可能使用您的個人信息以預防、發現、調查欺詐、危害安全、非法或違反與我們或其關聯方協議、政策或規則的行為,以保護您、其他我們用戶,或我們或其關聯方的合法權益。
5.4. 我們可能會將來自某項服務的個人信息與來自其他服務的信息結合起來,用於為了給您提供更加個性化的服務使用,例如讓您擁有更廣泛的社交圈的需要而使用、共享或披露。
5.5. 經您許可的其他用途。
6. 我們如何共享信息
6.1. 事先獲得您的同意或授權。
6.2. 根據法律法規的規定或行政或司法機構的要求。
6.3. 向英語巴巴的關聯方分享您的個人信息。
6.4. 向可信賴的合作夥伴提供您的個人信息,讓他們根據我們的指示並遵循我們的隱私權政策以及其他任何相應的保密和安全措施來為我們處理這些信息。
6.5. 如您是適格的知識產權投訴人並已提起投訴,應被投訴人要求,向被投訴人披露,以便雙方處理可能的權利糾紛。
6.6. 只有共享您的信息,才能提供您需要的服務,或處理您與他人的糾紛或爭議。例如您在英語巴巴上創建的某一交易中,如交易任何一方履行或部分履行了交易義務並提出信息披露請求的,英語巴巴會視情況向該用戶提供其交易對方的聯絡方式等必要信息,以促成交易的完成或糾紛的解決。
6.7. 如您出現違反香港或中國有關法律、法規或者英語爸爸相關協議或相關規則的情況,需要向第三方披露。
6.8. 為維護英語巴巴及其關聯方或用戶的合法權益。
7. Cookie 和網絡 Beacon 的使用
為使您獲得更輕鬆的訪問體驗,您訪問英語巴巴網上學習平台相關網站或使用英語爸爸網上學習平台提供的服務時,我們可能會通過小型數據文件識別您的身份,這麽做是幫您省去重覆輸入註冊信息的步驟,或者幫助判斷您的賬戶安全。這些數據文件可能是Cookie,Flash Cookie,或您的瀏覽器或關聯應用程序提供的其他本地存儲(統稱“Cookie”)。
網頁上常會包含一些電子圖象(稱為"單像素" GIF 文件或 "網絡 beacon"),使用網絡beacon可以幫助網站計算瀏覽網頁的用戶或豖問某些cookie,我們會通過網絡beacon收集您瀏覽網頁活動的信息,例如您訪問的頁面地址、您先前訪問的援引頁面的位址、您停留在頁面的時間、您的瀏覽環境以及顯示設定等。
8. 信息存儲
9. 您的個人信息保護
10. 未成年人保護
English Papa reminds you that: Before you use the services of English Papa platform, be sure to prudently read and carefully understand this Statement. If you have any doubt about this Statement, you may consult the customer service personnel of English Papa platform. If you do not agree to this Statement or any contents of this Statement after you read it, you'd better stop registration immediately. If you use the services of English Papa platform in any way, you will be deemed to have accepted all contents of this Statement.
English Papa: refers to English Papa learning platform website and client (computing)
English Papa: refers to either or all operators of English Papa platform, including the operator of englishpapa.net—English Papa Company Limited.
Statement of Rights
1. Ownership of Rights
Unless otherwise stated by English Papa, all rights (including but without limitation to copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and any other related rights) in, of, and to all products, technology, software, programs, data and other information (including but without limitation to words, images, pictures, photos, audios, videos, charts, colors, layouts and electronic files) within English Papa platform are vested in English Papa or its affiliated companies. Without the consent of English Papa, no one is permitted to use the said information (including but without limitation to monitor, copy, transmit, display, mirror, upload and download any content on English Papa via web robots, web spiders and other software or equipment).
The logo, “English Papa”, and other words, graphics and combination of words and graphics as well as other logos, marks, product names and service names within English Papa platform are all trademarks of English Papa and its affiliated companies in Hong Kong, China and other countries. Without written authorization of English Papa, no one may display, use or otherwise dispose of any of the said trademarks in any way. Furthermore, even if any party is entitled to display, use or otherwise dispose of any of the said trademarks, the party may not disclose its right to any other person.
2. Limitation on Liabilities
Whereas the services provided by English Papa platform are of the nature of bulletin board system (BBS), all information on shops and commodities on English Papa platform (including but without limitation to names of shops, names of companies, liaisons and contact information, product description and specification, pictures and videos) are provided and uploaded by members, who shall assume legal responsibility for the said information.
English Papa platform carries works (including contents on forum) for the purpose of transferring more information, which does not mean that English Papa agrees with the viewpoints in the works or has confirmed the trueness of the contents of the works.
3. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
English Papa respects intellectual property rights and opposes any act of infringement and pirating. If a holder of intellectual property rights thinks that any content on English Papa platform (including but without limitation to commodity information released by any member of English Papa platform) may infringe any of his/her legitimate rights and benefits, he/she may send a written notice through English Papa's intellectual property rights protection platform (englishpapa.net). After receiving the notice, English Papa will deal with such issue in time.
3.1 Privacy Right Policy
English Papa (hereinafter referred to “We”) respects and protect very strictly the personal information of the users. When you use the services of English Papa platform, we will collect, use and share your personal information according to this Policy. This Policy contains terms and conditions on how we collect, store, use, share and protect your personal information. Through this Policy, we wish to clearly introduce to you how we deal with your personal information. Therefore, we advise you to read this Policy completely to understand the means of protecting your privacy right. If you have any doubt about this Policy, you're welcome to contact us through the means of contact published on English Papa platform. If you do not agree to any contents of this Policy, you'd better stop using the services of English Papa platform immediately. If you use the services of English Papa platform in any way, you will be deemed to have agreed that we could use and protect your personal information according to this Policy.
3.2 Scope of Application
To provide the users with better, higher-quality, more personalized services is our persistent pursuit. We also wish to provide more conveniences to your life through our services. This Policy is applicable to all services provided by English papa Platform. When you visit English Papa platform and/or log on any client concerned to use the services of English Papa platform, this Policy will apply.
Especially, this Policy is not applicable to any services provided by any third party to you. For example, when any seller on English Papa provides services to you through English Papa platform, any information provided by you to the seller is not governed by this Policy.
4. How We Collect Information
We collect information in order to provide you with better, higher-quality, and more personalized services. We collect information by the following means:
4.1. Information provided by you to us The information you fill in and/or submit when you register an account of English Papa or use the services of English Papa platform, including your name, sex, date of birth, I.D. card number, surname on your passport, given name on your passport, passport number, telephone number, email, address, English Papa account number and additional information (such as the province and city you're in, postal code, etc.) .
4.2. Information collected by us when you use the service of English Papa platform. In order to provide you with the services required by you and optimize such services, we will collect information concerning the services you are using, which includes:
When you use the services of English Papa platform or visit the web pages of English Papa platform, English Papa will automatically receive and record the information on your browser and computer, including but without limitation to your IP address, the type of the browser, the language used, date and time of visit, information on characteristics of software and hardware and records on the web pages required by you; when you download or use any client software of English Papa or any of its affiliated companies, or access to mobile web pages to use the services of English Papa platform, English Papa may read information related to your position and the mobile equipment you're using, including but without limitation to model of equipment, identification code of equipment, operating system, resolution and telecom operator.
In addition to the information above, we may collect any other information about you in order to provide services to you and improve our service quality, including any information provided by you to our customer service team, your answers to our questionnaire, and any information collected by us when you interact with any affiliated company or partner of English Papa. Meanwhile, in order to improve safety when you use the services of English Papa platform, prevent any phishing website from fraud more accurately, and block Trojan, we may judge the risk of your account by knowing your habit of accessing to web and information on software commonly used by you, and may record some URLs which we deem to have risks.
4.3. Information from Any Third Party
To provide you with better, higher-quality, more personalized services, or provide services to you together with English Papa, or prevent Internet fraud, the affiliated companies and partners of English Papa will share your personal information with English Papa according to law, any agreement with you, or with your consent in advance.
You acknowledge and agree that any of the following information is not governed by this Policy:
a) Key words input by you when you use the search services of English Papa platform;
b) Transaction data on English Papa platform collected by English Papa when you do not select the function of “Buying Anonymously” and/or “Assessing Anonymously”, including but without limitation to bid, closing information and assessing particulars;
c) Credit assessment, acts in violation of laws, regulations or the rules of English Papa, and measures taken by English Papa against you;
d) Enterprise name and other industrial and commercial registration information as well as information on natural persons as operators as required to be disclosed by laws and regulations.
5. How We Use Information
We collect your information for the purpose of providing you with services and improving the service quality. Therefore, we will use your information for the following purposes:
5.1. Various services you are using, as well as maintenance and improvement of these services;
5.2. Recommending to you any contents which you may be interested in, including but without limitation to sending product and service information to you, or displaying personalized third party promotion information to you through the system, or sharing information with the partners of English Papa with your consent in advance so that they send information about their products and services to you. If you would like to stop receiving these information, you can unsubscribe using the unsubscribe function;
5.3. We may use your personal information to prevent, discover and investigate fraud, any act endangering security, illegal activity, or any other act which violates any agreement, policy or rule of us or any of our affiliated companies so as to protect the legitimate rights and benefits of you, any other user of us, us or any of our affiliated companies;
5.4. We may combine your personal information from one kind of service with information from any other kind of service so as to provide you with more personalized services, for example, use, share or disclose your personal information so as to provide you with broader society of friends;
5.5. Any other purpose as permitted by you.
6. How We Share Information
We're obliged to keep your personal information confidential and will not sell or rent any of your personal information to any third party for the purpose of the marketing of the third party, provided that we may share your personal information with the third party under any of the following circumstances:
6.1. Obtaining your consent or authorization in advance;
6.2. As required by laws and regulations or administrative or judicial organ;
6.3. Sharing your personal information with any of the affiliated companies of English Papa;
6.4. Providing your personal information to reliable partners so that they could deal with such information according to our instructions, the privacy right policies and any other applicable confidentiality and safety measures;
6.5. If you're an eligible complainant of intellectual property rights and file a complaint, disclosing your personal information to the complained as required by the complained so as to solve the potential dispute in time;
6.6. Only if we share your personal information, we could provide services as required by you or deal with any dispute between you and any third party. For example, with respect to a transaction created by you in English Papa, if either party performs all or part of his/her obligations and requires disclosure of information, English Papa will provide the party with the contact information of the counterparty and other necessary information (as the case may be) so as to boost the consummation of the transaction or solving of any dispute;
6.7. If you violate laws and regulations of Hong Kong and China or related agreements or rules of English Papa, disclosing to any third party whenever necessary; or
6.8. Safeguarding legitimate rights and benefits of English Papa and its affiliated parties or users.
7. Use of Cookie and Beacon
To provide you with easier experiences, when you access to relevant websites of English Papa platform or use the services of English Papa platform, we may identify your identity through small data files. In this way, we can help you omit inputting some existing registration information or judge the security of your account. These data files may be Cookie, Flash Cookie or local storage provided by your browser or affiliated application (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Cookie”).
Please understand that some of our services are only available through “Cookie”. If permitted by your browser or additional browser services, you may amend your degree of acceptance to Cookie or refuse Cookie of English Papa, which may influence your safe access to related websites of English Papa platform or use of the services of English papa Platform under certain circumstances.
8. Storage of Information
There are often some electronic images (called “GIF files” or "iBeacon") in web pages. The use of iBeacon may help the website calculate the number of the users who browse web pages or access to certain cookies. We will use iBeacon to collect information on you browsing web pages, such as the address of web pages you’re visiting, position of the reference page you previously accessed to, the period during which you stop on the page, your browsing environment and display setup.
9. Protection of Your Personal Information
Your personal information and data collected by English Papa will be stored in the servers of English papa and (or) its affiliated companies. These information and data may be sent to the country or region where you're located or the place where English Papa collects such information and data, and will be accessed, stored and displayed at such place.
To guarantee the security of your personal information and prevent it from being disclosed, damaged or lost, we will take physical, electronic and management measures to protect your information, including but without limitation to SSL, storage encryption and control over access to data center. We also strictly manage the employees or contractors who may access to your personal information, including but without limitation to adopting post-based capacity control, signing confidentiality agreements with them, and supervising their operation. English Papa will use all available technologies to protect your personal information and prevent your personal information from being disclosed, damaged or lost.
Your account has security protection function. Please keep your account and passwords properly. English Papa will take such security measures as backup in other servers and encryption of passwords to guarantee that your personal information will not be lost, misused or altered. Notwithstanding the said security measures, you are reminded that there is no “perfect security measures” in information network.
When you use the services of English Papa platform to engage in online transactions, you will have to disclose your personal information to the counterparty or potential counterparty, such as way of contact or postal code. Please keep your personal information properly and only disclose to others when necessary. If you find that any of your personal information is disclosed, especially your account or password, please contact the customer service personnel of English Papa in time so that English Papa could adopt relevant measures.
10. Juvenile Protection
We value the protection of personal information of juvenile. If you are a juvenile, we suggest that you invite your guardian to read this privacy policy carefully. Please make sure to use our services and/or provide us with information after you have asked the approval of your guardian.